21 Jan 2020 - Paper on Machine learning published
“Machine learning design of a trapped-ion quantum spin simulator” is published in Quantum Science and Technology 5 (2020) 024001, ( arXiv.1910.02496). We numerically demonstrate that a machine learning neural network can be used to efficiently solve a non-linear inversion problem in an analog trapped-ion quantum simulator. The method generates experimental control parameters (such as laser intensities on each ions) needed to program a quantum simulator, in particular, to engineer an arbitrary spin lattice geometry in one, two, and three dimensions using a linear chain of ions!
17 Dec 2019 - A review on trapped-ion quantum simulation!
Here is a pre-print version of a review article on quantum simulation with trapped ions. The article focuses on analog spin simulation, and discusses the progress in this field so far. (arxiv.1912.07845).
8 Oct 2019 - Machine learning for a quantum simulator!
Our manuscript “Machine learning design of a trapped-ion quantum spin simulator” is on arXiv.1910.02496. We demonstrate that a machine learning neural network can be used to efficiently engineer an arbitrary spin-spin interaction graph on an analog quantum simulator.
24 Sept 2019 - Early Researcher Award for Rajibul!
Rajibul is recognized with the Ontario ‘Early Researcher Award’! Read the IQC news coverage.
11-13 Sept 2019 - Nikhil and Gilbert graduate with MSc!
Congratulations to Gilbert and Nikhil for successfully defending their master’s thesis! They will continue their journey with the QITI group as PhD students.
13 Aug 2019 - Yb+ ions
Here’s a picture of eight laser-cooled Ytterbium (174 isotope) ions in a linear chain! The image was taken using an off-the-shelf Thorlabs 0.1 NA objective and a cheap (~$300) CMOS camera. The ions are approximately 8 microns apart. Read more on the Physics and Astronomy webpage.
6 Jun 2019 - invited talk at CAP congress!
Rajibul gives an invited talk at the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) congress at Simon Fraser University.
19 July 2019 - first ions!
We have have trapped, laser-cooled, and crystallized Ytterbium ions in a four-rod Paul trap!
27 Jun 2019 - new home of the QITI lab!
We have moved into our new lab-space in the basement of QNC building (QNC B221).
12 Jun 2019 - Sainath awarded!
Sainath receives the Dean of Science Award for his MSc thesis! Congratulations!
27 May 2019 - talks and posters at DAMOP 2019
Sainath, Gilbert, and Rajibul are attending the DAMOP meeting of the American Physical Society at Milwuakee, WI. Sainath will present a contributed talk and Gilbert will present a poster. Matt Day from Crystal Senko’s group will also present a poster highlighting ‘QuantumIon’ a joint research project between Rajibul’s and Crystal’s group to build an open-access trapped ion quantum computer for researchers.
6 May 2019 - New co-ops!
Duale Omar and Josh Da Costa join the group as undergraduate co-op students for the Spring term. Welcome to the team!
2 May 2019 - Rajibul in the land of Breaking Bad!
Rajibul gives a seminar and interacts with researchers at the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC), University of New Mexico.
26 Apr 2019 - paper on npj Quantum Information
“Dynamical Hamiltonian engineering of 2D rectangular lattices in a one-dimensional ion chain” is published in npj Quantum Information (Nature Publishing Group). (npj Quantum Information 5, 32 (2019))
16 Apr 2019 - Gilbert and Yi Hong present talks at TUCAN
Two talks from the QITI group by Chung-You (Gilbert) Shih and Yi Hong Teoh were presented at the second Toronto Ultra-cold Atom Network (TUCAN) meeting hosted by University of Waterloo. Gilbert talked about efficient algorithms to generate amplitude holograms for optical manipulation, and Yi Hong discussed machine learning methods to program a quantum simulator.