A guided light system for agile individual addressing of Ba+ qubits with 1E-4 level intensity crosstalk
Ali Binai-Motlagh, Matthew Day, Nikolay Videnov, Noah Greenberg, Crystal Senko, Rajibul Islam
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 045012 (2023)         arXiv:2302.14711

Abstract: Trapped ions are one of the leading platforms for quantum information processing, exhibiting the highest gate and measurement fidelities of all contending hardware. In order to realize a universal quantum computer with trapped ions, independent and parallel control over the state of each qubit is necessary. The manipulation of individual qubit states in an ion chain via stimulated Raman transitions generally requires light focused on individual ions. In this manuscript, we present a novel, guided-light individual addressing system for hyperfine Ba+ qubits. The system takes advantage of laser-written waveguide technology, enabled by the atomic structure of Ba+, allowing the use of visible light to drive Raman transitions. Such waveguides define the spatial mode of light, suppressing aberrations that would have otherwise accumulated in a free-space optics set up. As a result, we demonstrate a nearest neighbour relative intensity crosstalk on the order of 10−4, without any active aberration compensation. This is comparable to or better than other previous demonstrations of individual addressing. At the same time, our modular approach provides independent and agile control over the amplitude, frequency, and phase of each channel; combining the strengths of previous implementations.