Graduate Student
Yi Hong Teoh

Position: PhD (2021- , co-supervised), MSc (2019-21)
Extention: x36471
office: QNC B216
Previous Institution: U Waterloo, URA (PHYS 437, 2018-19))
Yi Hong is a PhD student working jointly with Prof. Roger Melko and Prof. Rajibul Islam. He works on theoretical aspects of quantum simulation including implementing machine learning methods. Previously, Yi Hong did his MSc thesis with Prof. Islam and Melko, and his PHYS 437 undergraduate thesis with Prof. Islam as well.
3. [2023] Ion Trap Long-Range XY Model for Quantum State Transfer and Optimal Spatial Search
Dylan Lewis,
Leonardo Banchi,
Yi Hong Teoh,
Rajibul Islam,
Sougato Bose
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 035025 (2023)         arXiv:2206.13685
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 035025 (2023)         arXiv:2206.13685
1. [2020] Machine learning design of a trapped-ion quantum spin simulator
Y. H. Teoh,
M. Drygala,
R. G. Melko,
R. Islam
Quantum Sci. Technol. 5, 024001 (2020)         arXiv:1910.02496
Quantum Sci. Technol. 5, 024001 (2020)         arXiv:1910.02496