Principal Investigator
Dr. K. Rajibul Islam

Position: Associate Professor
Extention: +1 519 888 4567 ext. 31995 (QNC Office), 32236/7/8 (labs)
office: QNC 4109, RAC1 1112
Previous Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Postdoc, 2015-16); Harvard University (Postdoc, 2012-15); University of Maryland (PhD, 2007-12)
Publication History: Google Scholar
Associate Professor, Institute for Quantum Computing and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo
UW Physics and Astronomy profile , IQC Profile , CV
Affiliate, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Co-founder, Open Quantum Design
Co-founder and Chief Scientific Advisor, Lightflow Optics Inc.
Notable recognitions
- Fellow, American Physical Society (2024)
- VAIBHAV fellow, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (2024 - )
- Excellence in Science Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, University of Waterloo (2024)
- President’s Excellence in Research Award, University of Waterloo (2020)
- Recognized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy for outstanding teaching (2019, ‘20)
- Early Researcher Award, Ontario Government (2019)
- Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award, University of Maryland (2012-13)
- PHYS 701 (Graduate Quantum Physics, Fall ‘22)
- PHYS 234 (Quantum Physics I, Winter 2019, ‘20, ‘21, ‘22, ‘24)
- PHYS 393 (Physical Optics, Winter 2020, ‘22, ‘24)
- PHYS 256 (Geometrical and Physical Optics, Fall 2017, ‘18, ‘22)
Dr. Islam is actively involved with several science outreach efforts. His activities at IQC include developing demonstration experiments (such as a ‘dust ion trap’) and conducting lab visits especially for young students. He is a co-founder of , a leading online science outreach platform in the Bengali (বাংলা) language. Bigyan (বিজ্ঞান, means science in Bengali) initiatives have been highlighted in Indian national media (such as NDTV and IndiaBioscience ).
28. [2024] Microgram BaCl_2 Ablation Targets for Trapped Ion Experiments
Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 045117 (2024)         arXiv:2402.06632
26. [2023] A guided light system for agile individual addressing of Ba+ qubits with 1E-4 level intensity crosstalk
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 045012 (2023)         arXiv:2302.14711
25. [2023] Ion Trap Long-Range XY Model for Quantum State Transfer and Optimal Spatial Search
Quantum Science and Technology 8, 035025 (2023)         arXiv:2206.13685
24. [2023] Fast and high-yield fabrication of axially symmetric ion-trap needle electrodes via two step electrochemical etching
Review of Scientific Instruments 94, 033201 (2023)         arXiv:2206.14784
23. [2022] Limits on atomic qubit control from laser noise
npj Quantum Information 8, 72 (2022)         arXiv:2112.04946
22. [2021] Simulating a measurement-induced phase transition for trapped ion circuits
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062405 (2021)         arXiv:2106.03769
20. [2021] Programming the full stack of an open-access quantum computer
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering         arXiv:2106.06549
18. [2021] Programmable Quantum Simulations of Spin Systems with Trapped Ions
Reviews of Modern Physics 93, 2 (2021)         arXiv:1912.07845
17. [2020] Machine learning design of a trapped-ion quantum spin simulator
Quantum Sci. Technol. 5, 024001 (2020)         arXiv:1910.02496
16. [2019] Dynamical Hamiltonian engineering of 2D rectangular lattices in a one-dimensional ion chain
npj Quantum Information 5, 32 (2019)         arXiv:1808.06124
15. [2018] Single-Atom Heat Machines Enabled by Energy Quantization
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 170601 (2018)         arXiv:1705.11180
14. [2017] Multislip Friction with a Single Ion
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 043601 (2017)         arXiv:1705.00716
13. [2016] Ultra-precise holographic beam shaping for microscopic quantum control
Opt. Express 24, 13881 (2016)         arXiv:1604.07653
12. [2015] Measuring entanglement entropy in a quantum many-body system
Nature 528, 77-83 (2015)         arXiv:1509.01160
11. [2015] Strongly correlated quantum walks in optical lattices
Science 347, 1229-1233 (2015)         arXiv:1409.3100
10. [2014] Beat note stabilization of mode-locked lasers for quantum information processing
Opt. Lett. 39, 3238 (2014)         arXiv:1312.6846
9. [2013] Quantum Catalysis of Magnetic Phase Transitions in a Quantum Simulator
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 100506 (2013)         arXiv:1303.6983
8. [2013] Emergence and Frustration of Magnetism with Variable-Range Interactions in a Quantum Simulator
Science 340, 583-587 (2013)         arXiv:1210.0142
7. [2012] Quantum simulation of spin models on an arbitrary lattice with trapped ions
New Journal of Physics 14, 095024 (2012)         arXiv:1201.0776
5. [2011] Onset of a quantum phase transition with a trapped ion quantum simulator
Nat Commun 2, 377 (2011)         arXiv:1103.2400
4. [2010] Quantum simulation and phase diagram of the transverse-field Ising model with three atomic spins
Physical Review B 82, 6 (060412) (2010)         arXiv:1005.4160
3. [2010] Quantum simulation of frustrated Ising spins with trapped ions
Nature 465, 590-593 (2010)         arXiv:1912.07845
2. [2009] Entanglement and Tunable Spin-Spin Couplings between Trapped Ions Using Multiple Transverse Modes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 120502 (2009)         arXiv:0905.0225
1. [2009] Large-scale quantum computation in an anharmonic linear ion trap
Europhys. Lett. 86, 60004 (2009)         arXiv:0901.0579